Monday, July 10, 2006

Office 2007 Beta

Well now, isn’t that nice? A standard template in a “new document” while creating a document yielded me a ‘create blog’ entry choice, and in two clicks and some addition of my blogger account info, I am now typing my entry into the nice-looking (but still a little incomprehensible) Word editor.

It’s only incomprehensible because I have been using it for about 10 minutes; I know that some Serious Time has been spent on the usability aspects of this thing. The changes appear to make sense; only MSFT would be in a position to move away from the classic WIMP-style layout scheme. All those web pages appear to be having an impact on our collective psyche.

That’s good though really—the major things I normally want to do are all arranged logically across the top. Now if I can just figure out how to apply my “old” Word skills to the new layout…

Now let’s see if it posts!